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2008-03-31 14:16:14
 Galambok - Handbook of Zala county (Zala megye kézikönyve) - Hatvan, CEBA-Hungary Ltd, 1998.jpg

Nyilvános Nyilvános

Galambok is situated 12 km from Nagykanizsa not far from the M7 motorway and Zalakaros. The area has been settled from the earliest times. The most ancient finds from this territory go back to the early Bronz Age. The settlement is first mentioned in written documents in 1231 under the name of Kolombuk. The settlement was in an important place. In 1420 the area lay on an important military road. In the Turkish times Galambok belonged to the fort of Komárom and was invaded by the Turks and the Habsburgs. In 1663 the settlement was burnt down by the Turks. According to popular belief the village lay to the south east of the today\'s village. In 1711 the village was destroyed by plague. In 1757 the Roman Catholic ingabitants built a wooden church in the village.
There is a joint co-operative called EGAX in Galambok. The main activity is farming and animal husbandry.

This text came from the following book:

Title: Handbook of Zala county (Zala megye kézikönyve)
Series: County handbooks of Hungary (Magyarország megyei kézikönyvei)
Chief editor: Hóbor József
Publisher: (Hatvan), CEBA-Hungary Ltd, 1998
ETO: 908.439.121(035) ; 050.8(439.121)
ISBN: 963-9089-18-2
Pages: 488-1040 p.
Remark: Closed on: 1998. márc. 31.